AutoRecords 1.3
Version 1.3 Release Notes
- Performance Improvements - Several performance enhancements were implemented when assigning policies and logging information.
- Add Date & Time In Disposition Log - A Date/Time has been added to the Disposition Log.
- Date Trigger With Property Trigger - Date triggers can now be combined with property triggers on a single Event Template.
- BI Reporting Dashboard - Initial set of preconfigured dashboards are available for implementation in Microsoft Power BI.
- Pending & Executed Events - Added a property for Executed Events so a records manager can easily see which Events have been executed against a document/object. Renamed Events to Pending Events on the metadata card to further clarify the difference between them.
- Conflicts - Wording on conflicts has been changed to be more intuitive. New conflicts have also been added for objects that locked in addition to being checked out. A Conflict was also added for situations where a single document or object qualifies equally for more than one Policy.
- Ongoing Indirect Retention - Indirect retention has been enhanced to handle situations where new documents or objects are added which reference an object that has indirect retetion but the retention criteria has already been met. For example if a Project is Closed and we restrict access to documents once a project is closed, but then a new document is added to the project, access to that document will now be restricted with the next run of AutoRecords.
- Assignments On Indirect Retention - Assign To Owner and other assignments are now supported for Indirect Retention.
- Support For Hierarchical Policy Assignment - Better support for polices which are hierarchical has been added. For example, there may be a Policy for Procedure Documents and another for Procedure Documents within the HR department, and another Policy for Procedure Documents within HR that are payroll related. Depending on metadata and Policy configuration AutoRecords will automatically assign the correct policy with the most precise match being chosen.
- Step 3 & 4 Combined - Some of the performance improvements resulted in combining step 3 & 4. Documentation and audit logs have been update.
- Bug Fixes
- Indirect Date Trigger - Corrected the date calculation to work just as the standard date trigger.
- Warning Messages - Cleaned up warning messages related to missing aliases and the Compliance Kit.
- Indirect Retention Events - Events were being cleared off the Indirect object in some cases when disposition was performed against child documents / objects.
- Resolved Conflicts For Indirect Actions - Actions created from Indirect Retention which create conflicts were not removing conflicts from the system after the conflict had been resolved.
- Retention Category Property Not Required - Fixed a bug which caused AutoRecords to not assign retention to objects unless they had the Retention Category property on their metadata card. AutoRecords previously did not require this property and automatically added it. This functionality has been restored.
- Next Event To Schedule - Fixed an issue with Direct Actions not working as expected when they are the next event to schedule. Also fixed an issue with Restrict Access to RM's not always executing when it was the Next event To Schedule.
- Boolean Triggers - Triggers over boolean values were not including certain items depenending on the upper or lower case of the boolean value (true/false vs. TRUE/FALSE).
- Run Date & Time - AutoRecords run time was not performing the conversion to local time from Universal Time correctly. As a result some objects/documents that appeared to qualify for retention were not being processed at the correct time and would wait until the next run to get processed.