System Requirements and Installation
System Requirements
A running instance of M-files OnLine Server 23.12.xxxxx.x or newer.
Installing TEAM AutoRecords
Cloud Clients
AutoRecords is a signed vault application. It can be installed on your vault by downloading the latest version from the download link below and installing the application via the Admin Utility. If you will be managing retention based on File Versioning (i.e. you only want to keep the last 12 versions of certain files) the Compliance Kit must be installed in the same way and the File Versioning must be configured after installation.
On Premise Clients
AutoRecords is installed as a vault application on top of an existing M-Files instance. There are four steps to intallation:
- Download the AutoRecord Vault Application and associated Vault Structure
- Import The Vault Structure
- Install The Vault Application
- Apply Your AutoRecords License.
Each step is detailed below. There are two additional steps detailed below if you will be managing retention based on File Versioning (i.e. you only want to keep the last 12 versions of certain files).
1. Download AutoRecords
Files necessary for the installation can be downloaded from the AutoRecords Download Site.
Files needed are:
- Vault App: TEAM_AutoRecords_signed (v1.2.2.x)
- Vault Structure: AutoRecords-1.2.2 Structure
2. Import Vault Structure
AutoRecords relies on various M-Files objects and properties for functionality. These objects are conveniently included within a single one-time import bundle that is included with your installation package.
**IMPORTANT: ** These operations must be performed on the M-Files server itself. You cannot import a Vault Structure Bundle from a PC running the Admin App. It must be done on the server.
To import this bundle:
- Go to the M-Files Server
- Unzip on your M-Files server on which your vault exists.
- Open M-Files Admin and Navigate to your M-Files vault
- Select Content Replication and Archiving
- Click One-time Import
- Click the '...' shown below to open the file browser
- Locate the Index.xml file in the unzipped folder, select it, and click ** Open **
- Click Ok in the Import Dialog
- Confirm the contents of the import and verify that there will be no resulting errors
- Click Yes
- Confirm the completion of the import and click Ok. if any errors occured, contact your administrator or TEAM IM for Support.
3. Install the AutoRecords Vault Application
AutoRecords requires a Vault Application to be installed that contains the code that makes it tick. Your installation package includes an MFAPPX file. Additionally the Vault Application requires a valid license. This license will be created and provided by TEAM Informatics in the form of a *.lic file. To install the app:
- Copy the application, TEAM_MFilesAutoRecordsApp.mfappx, on the server on which your vault exists
- Open M-Files Admin and navigate to your vault
- Right click on the vault and select Applications
- Click Install
- Locate the application, select it, and click Open
- Once installed, you will receive a prompt to restart the vault. Click No
- Select the AutoRecords Application and click the License button
- Click Intall License, locate the provided *.lic file which should be in the root directory of the zipped AutoRecords folder
- Close out of the license and applications window
- In the Admin Utility, click on the vault and select Restart Vault.
OPTIONAL: Enabling File Versioning
In cases where The Records Manager wishes to perform retention on individual versions of a document (i.e. keep the last 10 revisions of a document), you must enable and configure Advanced File Versioning within M-Files. Follow the steps below to enable File Versioning.
Install the M-Files Compliance Kit
The Compliance Kit is a Vault Application available from M-Files. Download the Compliance Kit from the M-Files site
Just like AutoRecords, you will need the Vault Application and a valid License. Start by repeating the steps above to install the vault application, M-Files_ComplianceKit_'version'.mfappx. Then install a valid license:
- Open M-Files Admin and navigate to your vault
- Right click on the vault and select Applications
- Click Install
- Locate the M-Files_ComplianceKit_'version'.mfappx file, select it, and click Open. This will install the application.
- Once installed, you will receive a prompt to restart the vault. Click No
Highlight the installed M-Files Comliance Kit application and click the License button.
Click Install License
Locate the Configuration Accelerators Unlimited .LIC license file and Open it
Click Apply then Ok
Configure File Versions
File Versions must be enabled within the Compliance kit. Within the Admin screen select Configurations | Other Applications | Compliance Kit | Utilities to get to the configuration screen shown below.
You must enable the Utilities and then within the Utilities enable File Version Options as shown above. Additionally you can set filters so versioning only applies to certain objects and classes of objects (see M-Files documentation).
A new property must be added to store the File Version that is calculated in the compliance kit. The name of the property is not important however FileVersion is recommended. The property must be configured as shown below:
IMPORTANT: The Alias must be set as shown above in order for File Versions to work correctly within AutoRecords.
The final step is to add the FileVersion property to any object which will need to have retention performed against individual versions of the file. This property can be hidden from the users but must be there for the M-Files Compliance Kit to properly increment the number.